Academic Publications

Version française

The researchers of the UNIE-LGBTQ project will be publishing academic articles and other types of written works related to their research. Information related to these publications will be shared on this page (e.g. references to articles, links to content available in electronic versions or online journal websites with summaries in English and French).

Academic Articles

Regards croisés de mères, de donneurs et d’enfants de familles lesboparentales en France – Line Chamberland, director of the SAVIE-LGBTQ project & Isabel Côté, researcher co-responsible for the interviews section

Crossed views of mothers, donors and children from lesboparental families in France

This article explores lesboparental family configurations in the context of recourse, by lesbian couples wishing to found a family, to a «known donor», that is to say a man in their entourage who agrees to donate without necessarily claim legal authorship. Recently published in the review Emulations and having received the support of the SAVIE-LGBTQ project, it aims to document the relationships maintained between lesbian mothers, their donor, but also the children born of his donations.

Homophobia and Homonationalism: LGBTQ Law Reform in Canada – Miriam Smith, co-investigator SAVIE-LGBTQ

Based on the SAVIE-LGBTQ public policies critical analysis component, this article explores the failure of Canada’s criminal and penal reforms to combat discriminations and inequalities experienced by people in same-sex relationships by opposing homonationalist political discourse with the real progress made in the legal recognition of homosexuals and people who do not identify themselves in the binary framework of gender rights.

The article is avalaible in English.

Rapport de la consultation préliminaire

The « Rapport de la consultation préliminaire » (Preliminary Consultation Report) presents data from an anonymous online consultation held between December 15, 2017 and January 8, 2018. Participants reported examples of inclusion and exclusion occurring in different areas of their lives and have decided on the importance of deepening our knowledge of each of these areas. The report is now available in French

June 2018

Literature Review Report on the indicators of inclusion and exclusion of LGBTQ+ people

Consult the  Literature Review Report on the indicators of inclusion and exclusion, an illustrated synthesis that outlines and quantifies the principal experiences of exclusion and inclusion lived by people of sexual and gender diversity, available in English and in French!

Printable versions of the report are also available in English and in French!

Nos coordonnées

Adresse postale :
Université du Québec à Montréal
Chaire de recherche sur la diversité sexuelle
et la pluralité des genres

Case postale 8888
Succursale Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec)
H3C 3P8

Adresse civique :
Université du Québec à Montréal
Pavillon Thérèse-Casgrain
455, boul. René-Lévesque Est
5e étage, local W-5010
Montréal (Québec)
H2L 4Y2
